Yüksel stands among the top 10 with its CDP Transparency Score

Since 2011, when the CDP began grading companies in Turkey that responded, the average CDP transparency score has been on the rise. In 2015, the rate of companies scoring 80 out of a possible 100 points rose to 70%. This rate had been only 49% the preceding year.

According to the 2015 report, a total of 46 companies responded to the CDP this year. Of these companies,29 scored 70% and above on transparency. In the performance review, 11 companies scored in the A and B bands.Yüksel İnşaat has been measuring its carbon foot print voluntarily since 2010, and has succeeded in increasing its transparency score to 95 C through its annual reporting since 2013.

Yüksel İnşaat made the top 10 list of companies renowned worldwide in 2015 as well with this achievement.

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