After a 5-year world tour aboard his boat, Osman Atasoy embarked on a voyage around Cape Horn, which is considered the Everest of the sea, in his vessel Uzaklar II. Yüksel İnşaat supported this exceptional voyage as the main sponsor. A cocktail for the voyage, supported by Yüksel Yatçılık, was held on 11 October 2008 at Yüksel Yachting. After the cocktail, the press showed a great deal of interest in Osman Atasoy and his voyage on 22 October 2008. Among those in attendance were the Mayor of Marmaris M. Ali Acar, the wellknown mariners Sadun Boro, Turgay Noyan and Necati Zincirkıran, as well as important figures in the world of yachting, such as Cem Tekdağ, Güven Yağman and Yalçın Çetin from the Marmaris International Yacht Clubs Board of Directors. In his remarks at the cocktail, Emin Sazak, CEO and Vice Chairman of the Yüksel İnşaat, expressed how delighted Yüksel İnşaat was for the opportunity to sponsor the event and wished Osman Atasoy success on the voyage. Following Emin Sazak’s speech, Osman Atasoy talked about the pleasure he derived from being at sea and expressed once again his gratitude to his main sponsor, Yüksel İnşaat, and his supporter, Yüksel Yatçılık.
Osman Atasoy is still on this challenging voyage...